Later in his life Lenin suffered a series of strokes which had started to deteriorate his physical fitness and later his speech.
He tried to maintain power over the party until his third and fatal stroke. On January 21, 1924, Lenin died of respiratory
paralysis due to cerebral hemorrhaging. Originally, he was supposed to be buried traditionally. Later, however, people decided
to mummify Lenin and put him into a crystal coffin for exhibit. Shortly after his death, power passed to some of Lenin's most
trusted Bolsheviks, including Joseph Stalin, Lev Kamenev Zinoviev, and Leon Trotsky. Five years later, Stalin became the leader
of the communist party after banishing Trotsky to México. Lenin had never trusted Stalin to a great extent and made sure to
not give him too much power, but Lenin's third stroke incapacitated him enough for Stalin to take over.